a fost răspuns

Ma ajuta si pe mine cineva sa traduc descrierea asta in engleza.....Are niste ochii stralucitori si caprui cum numai in povesti auzi...
are parul scurt, brunet si moale parca ar fi spalat cu cocolino...
este inalt. ca printzul din poveste.
are un zambet care te cheama din ce in ce mai aproape si atunci cand te apropii te indeamna sa-l sarutzi
este romantic... romantismul lui te da pe spate...
si sa nu uit are un suflet de aur...
cand ma stranfge in bratze si atunci cand imi vorbeste ma simt ca si cum as fi miss univers... ma simt printzesa...
deci in cateva cuvinte este iubitul perfect pentru mine...

Răspuns :

He has some shiny brown eyes,eyes that only in story you see.He has short dark soft hair likes it's washed with cocolino.He is like the prince from the story,he has a smile that calls you closer and closer,and then when you got enough closer.He calls you to kiss him,he is romantic.His romantism beats you off.And i didn't forgot he has a soul of gold.When he hugs me and talks to me like i am miss univers i feel like a princess.So in a few words he is the perfect boyfriend for me.