a fost răspuns

Trebuie sa scriu o scrisoare, de 100 de cuvinte, unei prietene, despre vacanta de vara incluzand in scrisoare informatii despre:locurile vizitate,vremea,activtatile,oamenii si mancarea.Vreau sa mentionez ca vara aceasta mi-am petrecut-o la o verisoara de a mea la Bucuresti si am vizitat muzeul Grigore Antipa de unde am luat un suvenir,gradina botanica,parcul Cismigiu,parcul Herastrau,palatul Mogosoaia si am fost la biliard cu fratele meu mai mare si verisoara mea (si ea e mai mare) si am mancat la Mc, iar vremea a fost insorita ba chiar foarte cald dar in unele zile ploioasa . :D Multumesc anticipat!!

Răspuns :

Hello my dear friend,

How quick time flies, I can't believe that summer ended, and, we are back in school, with one year older. And speaking of  summer, I know I promised I will tell you all about my summer vacation exactly  as you did.

Well, this year I visited Bucharest together with my brother. We have a cousin who lives there and  our parents allowed us to go. And she has been a great host, as she took us to visit museum Antipa, the Botanic Garden, Cismigiu and Herastrau parks, Mogosoaia Palace and many other places. We had a great weather even if it also rained a bit. We did not had only cultural activities, we went to play billiard and we had lunch at MC'Donalds.

So, it was a fun summer. Now I am waiting for the next one!