Put the sentences together using „IT”.
Uniți enunțurile folosind „IT”.
1. We need to make a reservation. This is very important.
It is very important to make a reservation.
Este foarte important să facem o rezervare.
2. She has some free time. This is a good thing.
It is a good thing that she has some free time.
E un lucru bun că ea are ceva timp liber.
3. Wolves attack people. This is not true.
It is not true that wolves attack people.
Nu e adevărat că lupii atacă oamenii.
4. She does not sleep enough. This is a bad thing.
It is a bad thing that she does not sleep enough.
E un lucru rău că ea nu doarme destul.
5. She always makes "To Do" lists. This is useful.
It is useful that she always makes „To Do” lists.
E un lucru util că ea face mereu liste cu ceea ce este de făcut important.