a fost răspuns

Imi traduceti , va rog , propozitiile acestea in engleza ?
- Nu-l deranja pe tatal tau acum . Tocmai ii telefoneaza presedintele.
- El citeste intotdeauna ,,Financial Times ,, ; nu stiu de ce astazi citeste ,,Wall Street Journal,, .
- Stai linistit cand iti vorbesc .
- Auzi zgomotul acela ? Vecinul meu exerseaza iarasi la vioara .
- Lace ora te culci ? - Depinde de programul de la televizor .
- De ce margi atat de repede ? - Cineva ne urmareste .

Răspuns :

Don't bother you'r father now.He is curently calling the president.
He always read "Financial Times"..i don't know why he is reading "Wall Street Journal" today.
Keep calm when i talk to you.
Do you hear that noise ? -My neighbor is exercising at the violin again.
At what time are you going to sleep? -It depends on the TV program.
Why are you going so fast? -Somebody is following us.