3:Complete the text with adjectives from exercises 1 and 2.

I left for school at the usual time, but something seemed wrong. The streets were empty and there was a mysterious feeling in the air. l passed a few people, but they all seemed rather odd. I didn't see anyone from school on the way. When | got to school, the gates were closed. Why were they closed? | looked at my watch - 9 am. The gales should be open. This was most puzzling.
| pushed the gates open and walked inside. Where was everyone? Had they been transported away by some extraterrestrial beings and taken to an alien planet? Had they all been taken away as part of some secret government experiment? What should | do? Run away? No, this was one mystery that couldn't be left unexplained. I had to find out where everyone was.
I opened the school door and walked inside. | saw a man - it was Mr. Barns who looked after the school. | ran up to him.
'Thank goodness!' | cried. 'Where is everyone?'
He gave me a strange look.
'At home, probably.' he replied. 'lt is Saturday morning.'
Adjectivele de la ex. 1 sunt:
La fiecare cuvânt exercițiul îți dă prima literă, ceea ce face alegerea termenilor foarte ușoară.