5. a. Look at Kate's New Year's resolution list and use the prompts to write senten a. I/lose weight b. I/stay in touch with my friends c. I/give up smoking d. I/not spend/so much money on clothes e. 1/not go to bed later than 10 p.m. f. I/not postpone doing household jobs g. I/start learning a foreign language h. 1/travel more i. I/not spread gossip about people j. I/not get angry so easily dmain I'll lose weight. 5. b. Complete the sentences with short answers: a. Will Kate lose weight? b. Will she stay in touch with friends? Yes, she Yes, she c. Will she give up smoking? Yes, she d. Will she spend so much money on clothes? No, she e. Will she go to bed later than 10 p.m.? No, she f. Will she postpone doing household jobs? No, she g. Will she start learning a foreign language? Yes, she h. Will she travel more? i. Will she spread gossip about people? Yes, she