
Alcătuiește un dialog între doi prieteni de 15 10 rân duri

Gdfkeghjekdhghdhd dbfhfjdgdc g djfevtnhefd t dbhdhfifyrhrj and the other one in the top of the room was the bb b and it was b by b b by bus b I b it was brilliant but I b bb b and I was going to b but b was in the b with the boys and he was just getting in the way to go to the pub and he was just going to be there to get to see him and then he came back to the house and he was just a bit of a walk in the garden and he was just a bit of a walk in the garden and he was just a bit of a walk in the garden ​

Răspuns :


da da da da da da da da nu inteleg numic!!!


dialog între doi prieteni: alex si kevin

-Buna alex, vrei sa iesim afara?

-Buna kevin, sigur, unde iesim si cand ne întâlnim?

-ce zici sa mergem in parc pe la ora 12?

-suna bine, ne vedem la 12!

in parc:

-Alex, ai vazut ca s a schimbat parcul?

-Da, au schimbat bancile si mesele iar iarba este foarte curata

-Da, acum este mai frumos decat înainte

Dupa 2 ore:

-Kevin, eu trebuie sa plec , ma cheama mama acasa

-bine alex, ne vedem mâine?

-Da, tot aici la aceiași ora!

-Bine , pa alex

-pa kevin!