a fost răspuns

20 de propoziții cu Present perfect simple

Răspuns :


1. Mama merge.

2. Ei merg la 7:00 dimineața.

3. Irina vorbește despre Andrei.

4. Noi nu dormim.

5. -Muncești aici?

6. -Ea cântă frumos?

7. Eu scriu.

8..Ei scriu.

9. Ei nu vor.

10. -Este aici?

11. -Ei nu citesc?

12. Lui Petru ii plac pisicile și câinii.

13. Eu merg pe jos la școală in fiecare zi.

14. Ana joaca tenis.

15. Marius plimba câinele.

16. Ion joacă fotbal.

17. Tudor învață la istorie.

18. Vali uită mereu să-și facă temele.

19. Gabi porneste TV-ul.

20. Andreea mișcă liniile ceasurilor continuu.


1. I have visited Paris twice.
2. She has just finished her homework.
3. We have never been to Asia.
4. They have lived in this city for five years.
5. He has already eaten dinner.
6. Sarah has lost her keys again.
7. The company has released a new product.
8. Have you ever traveled abroad?
9. He has read that book multiple times.
10. They have known each other since childhood.
11. The students have completed their assignments.
12. She has worked at the same company for a decade.
13. We have seen that movie before.
14. Has he visited his family recently?
15. I have studied Spanish for two years.
16. The team has won the championship.
17. She has just graduated from college.
18. They have finally arrived at the airport.
19. Have you ever met a celebrity?
20. He has already cleaned the house.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!Bafta