Object pronouns: them, him, it, me, you, us, her
a. Carol went to New York and loved it.
b. There are many interesting places there and Carol visited them all.
c. When she came back her friends at school asked her to tell them about the Big Apple.
d. They were excited too. "Come on, Carol, tell us more about it."
e. They were asking her so many questions that Carol had to stop them.
f. "Ok. I'll tell to tell you everything you want. But... Don't ask me so many questions at the same time.
g. James was curious and asked her about Central Park.
h. Peter was quiet. He didn't say a word. Carol looked at him and said "What's the matter with you, Peter?" Don't you have any questions to ask me?
i. "Well, said Peter. "I do. But the bell is ringing and nobody heard it. "What's the matter with you? Did you forget that we have a Maths test? Hurry up!"
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