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Write who,whose ,that where necessary
1.Mother Teresa,(who,whose,that) real name was Agnes Bojaxhiu,was born in 1910
2.Mother Teresa was a missionary (who,whose,that)helped sick people all over the world.
3.Agnes,(who,whose,that)father was a grocer,decided to become a nun at the age of 12,
4.Her father,(who,whose,that)came from Albania, supported her decision.
5.Teresa is the name (who,whose,that)she took when she became a nun.
6.In 1928,she went to India.She loocked after poor people (who,whose.that)lived in the streets.In 1979,she won the Nobel Peace Prize that made her world famous
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Write „who”, „whose”, „that” where necessary.

Scrieți pronumele relative „who”, „whose”, „that” la locul potrivit.



1. Mother Teresa, whose real name was Agnes Bojaxhiu, was born in 1910.

Mama Tereza, al cărei nume adevărat era Agnes Bojaxhiu, s-a născut în 1910.

2. Mother Teresa was a missionary who helped sick people all over the world.

Mama Tereza a fost o misionară care ajuta oamenii bolnavi din toată lumea.

3. Agnes, whose father was a grocer, decided to become a nun at the age of 12.

Agnes, al cărei tată era băcan, a decis să devină asistentă medicală la vârsta de 12 ani.

4. Her father, who came from Albania, supported her decision.

Tatăl ei, care a venit din Albania, a sprijinit-o în decizia ei.

5. Teresa is the name that she took when she became a nun.

Tereza este numele pe care și l-a pus când a devenit asistentă medicală.

6. In 1928, she went to India. She looked after poor people who lived in the streets. In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Prize that made her world famous.

În 1928, ea a mers în India. A îngrijit oameni săraci care trăiau pe străzi. În 1979, ea a câștigat Premiul Nobel pentru Pace, care a adus faimă lumii/activității ei.



who, whose - pentru oameni

that - pentru obiecte în sensul general