Răspuns :
I am=eu sunt
you are=tu esti
he/she/it is=el/ea este
we are=noi suntem
you are=voi sunteti
they are=ei/ele sunt
I am being=eu sunt
you are being=tu esti
he/she/it is being
we are being
you are being
they are being
you were=TU AI FOST
he/she/it was=el/ea a fost
we were
they were
Past continuous=o acțiune întreruptă din trecut
I was being=eu eram
you were being=tu erai
he/she/it was being=el/ea era
we were being
you were being
they were being
Present perfect= o actiune care incepe in trecut, continua in trecut si se termina in prezent sau foarte aproape de prezent.
I have been=eu am fost
you have been=tu ai fost
he/she/it has been=el/ea a fost
we have been
you have been
they have been
Present perfect continuous=o actiune care incepe in trecut, ajunge in prezent si are sanse de a continua in viitor.
o actiune recenta ar carei rezultat poate fi vazut
I have been being=eu am fost
you have been being=tu ai fost
he/she/it has been being=el / ea a fost
we have been being
you have been being
they have been being
Past perfect=O actiune care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni in trecut.
Cauza unui efect trecut
I had been=eram
you had been=tu erai
he/she/it had been=el/ea era
we had been
you had been
they had been
Past perfect continuous=O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut, durata fiind precizata.
Arata efectul unei actiuni intamplate in trecut.
I had been being=eu eram
you had been being=tu erai
he/she/it had been being
we had been being
you had been being
they had been being
I will be=voi fi
you will be=tu vei fi
he/she/it will be
we will be
you will be
they will be
Future continuous=Actiuni care se vor desfasura intr-un anumit punct din viitor.
Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor ca urmare a unei actiuni de rutina sau unui aranjament
I will be being=eu voi fi
you will be being=tu vei fi
he/she/it will be being
we will be being
you will be being
they will be being
Future perfect=O actiune vazuta din viitor dar care se intampla in trecut
I will have been=voi fi fost
you will have been=tu vei fi fost
he/she/it will have been
we will have been
you will have been
they will have been
Future perfect continuous= O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in viitor, durata actiunii find precizata.
I will have been being=eu voi fost
you will have been being=tu vei fi fost
he/she/it will have been being
we will have been being
you will have been being
they will have been being
Conditional present
I would be
you would be
he/she/it would be
we would be
you would be
they would be
Conditional perfect
I would have been
you would have been
he/she/it would have been
we would have been
you would have been
they would have been
Conditional present progressive
I would be being
you would be being
he/she/it would be being
we would be being
you would be being
they would be being
Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been being
you would have been being
he/she/it would have been being
we would have been being
you would have been being
they would have been being
Present subjunctive
I be
you be; beest
he/she/it be
we be
you be
they be
Past subjunctive
I were
you were; wert
he/she/it were
we were
you were
they were
Past perfect subjunctive
I had been
you had been
he/she/it had been
we had been
you had been
they had been
you be
we Let´s be
you be
Present participle
Past participle
I am=eu sunt
you are=tu esti
he/she/it is=el/ea este
we are=noi suntem
you are=voi sunteti
they are=ei/ele sunt
I am being=eu sunt
you are being=tu esti
he/she/it is being
we are being
you are being
they are being
you were=TU AI FOST
he/she/it was=el/ea a fost
we were
they were
Past continuous=o acțiune întreruptă din trecut
I was being=eu eram
you were being=tu erai
he/she/it was being=el/ea era
we were being
you were being
they were being
Present perfect= o actiune care incepe in trecut, continua in trecut si se termina in prezent sau foarte aproape de prezent.
I have been=eu am fost
you have been=tu ai fost
he/she/it has been=el/ea a fost
we have been
you have been
they have been
Present perfect continuous=o actiune care incepe in trecut, ajunge in prezent si are sanse de a continua in viitor.
o actiune recenta ar carei rezultat poate fi vazut
I have been being=eu am fost
you have been being=tu ai fost
he/she/it has been being=el / ea a fost
we have been being
you have been being
they have been being
Past perfect=O actiune care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni in trecut.
Cauza unui efect trecut
I had been=eram
you had been=tu erai
he/she/it had been=el/ea era
we had been
you had been
they had been
Past perfect continuous=O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut, durata fiind precizata.
Arata efectul unei actiuni intamplate in trecut.
I had been being=eu eram
you had been being=tu erai
he/she/it had been being
we had been being
you had been being
they had been being
I will be=voi fi
you will be=tu vei fi
he/she/it will be
we will be
you will be
they will be
Future continuous=Actiuni care se vor desfasura intr-un anumit punct din viitor.
Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor ca urmare a unei actiuni de rutina sau unui aranjament
I will be being=eu voi fi
you will be being=tu vei fi
he/she/it will be being
we will be being
you will be being
they will be being
Future perfect=O actiune vazuta din viitor dar care se intampla in trecut
I will have been=voi fi fost
you will have been=tu vei fi fost
he/she/it will have been
we will have been
you will have been
they will have been
Future perfect continuous= O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in viitor, durata actiunii find precizata.
I will have been being=eu voi fost
you will have been being=tu vei fi fost
he/she/it will have been being
we will have been being
you will have been being
they will have been being
Conditional present
I would be
you would be
he/she/it would be
we would be
you would be
they would be
Conditional perfect
I would have been
you would have been
he/she/it would have been
we would have been
you would have been
they would have been
Conditional present progressive
I would be being
you would be being
he/she/it would be being
we would be being
you would be being
they would be being
Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been being
you would have been being
he/she/it would have been being
we would have been being
you would have been being
they would have been being
Present subjunctive
I be
you be; beest
he/she/it be
we be
you be
they be
Past subjunctive
I were
you were; wert
he/she/it were
we were
you were
they were
Past perfect subjunctive
I had been
you had been
he/she/it had been
we had been
you had been
they had been
you be
we Let´s be
you be
Present participle
Past participle