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Am nevoie de o compunere la engleza despre o caete orice carte!!!!

Răspuns :

Luminile sudului
 Aceasta carte, Luminile sudului, te tine in suspans pentru ca e vorba de o fata, care paraseste Manhatten-ul, pentru a pleca intr-o excursie. De aici cartea este foarte captivanta. Ela, aceasta fata, isi pune un rusac in spate si merge in Africa de Sud, in jungla. Se plimba, dar are grija sa nu se rataceasca, i se pare totul normal. Trec secunde, minute, ore, zile, luni in care fata tot se plimba. Dupa 3 luni, fata incepe sa vada oase de om si cranii aruncate prin jungla, si pentru ca ii placea biologia a inceput sa  faca experimente pe aceste cranii.    Elaa, a descoperit ca acel craniu e al colegului ei de cand era la gradinita. Acum isi daduse seama de ce copilul acela se purta ciudat, ca si cum era bantuit.Aceasta aruncase craniul, lasase tot acolo, si incepuse sa fuga din jungla, sa ajunga la familia ei sa le povesteasca tot. Craniul incepu sa faca picioare pana cand o smulsese pe fata, o mancase si aceasta si gasit sfarsitul in jungla.

Southern lights 
This book, Southern lights, keeps you in suspense because it's about a girl who leaves the Manhatten to go on a trip. From here the book is very exciting. Ela, this girl puts a rusac back and go in South Africa, in the jungle. Walk, but is careful not to be lost and everything seems normal. Passing seconds, minutes, hours, days, months in which the girl all walks. After 3 months, the girl begins to see bones and skulls thrown through the jungle man, and because he liked biology began to experiment on these skulls.    ELAA discovered that the skull is her colleague when she was in kindergarten. Now she knew why that kid is weird, like it was haunted.This cast skull, leave everything there, and began to flee the jungle to reach her family to tell them everything. The skull began to walk off until a torn face, and ate it and perished in the jungle.

Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor!