1.astept cu nerabdare vacanta.
2.El a cautat ochelarii.
3.Avionul a decolat foarte tarziu.
4.eu nu am inteles explicatiile.
5.Eu nu am ascultat sfatul tau.
6.Vocea ei imi aminteste de un dragon.
7.Baiatul a arucnat o piatra in capul meu.
8.Pretul telefoanelor a urcat anul trecut.
9.Eu ma gandesc la mare.
10.El m-a acuzat de tradare.
11.Nu am avut grija de pisica mea.
12.Jefuitorii au scapat deoarece au avut o masina rapida.
13.Eu mereu ma scol dis-de-dimineata.
I can t wait the vacation. He was looking for his glasses. The plane took off very late. I didn t understand the explanations. I didn t listen to your advise. Her voice reminds me of a dragon. The boy threw a rock in my head. The price of the phones go up last year. I am thinking about the sea. He acused me of betrayal. I didnt take care of my cat. The burglars escaped because the had a faster car. I always wake up early in the morning.