ress Test 1 hoose the correct answers. hat really happens Can acting class? dent Jake Truscott finds out. standing in the middle of a room surrounded other 'wannabes', and we're shouting as loudly we can to each other. It feels strange, and not at I've been expecting from my first ever acting 5. Whatever the reason for all this is, I'm not I get it. It becomes even stranger when we e to do some unusual vocal exercises, including spering quietly, then pretending to be opera jers. I'm out of my comfort zone. Fortunately, other first-timers seem to be feeling the same, that makes me relax: I even begin to find the Ole thing entertaining. idea is, it turns out, to help us get rid of our ness. Soon, our instructor Zoe gets us walking nd the room while she calls out characters for to pretend to be: a bad-tempered shopkeeper, exhausted hiker, a caring nurse. I've no first- ■d experience of any of them, but it isn't hard but myself in their shoes. As I start to warm the whole thing, I find my movements getting ger, my facial expressions exaggerated. I'm ing fun! It's the kind of acting everyone does home when no one's watching. Yet, we still en't said any actual lines. - finally ends the exercise and asks us to sit vn. Then she goes into an explanation of what ng is: it's about accessing your emotions. It's ut putting yourself in a position where people listening to every word you say and watching rything you do and how. She told us we have Chink about events that have occurred in our s and notice how we feel about them, even brings up emotions we might prefer not to wisit. But this can only make you stronger as an or, she insists. w does Jake initially feel at his first acting class? It all makes sense, but can any of us in this really do it? It's time to find out as Zoe hand each a script. On the first page is a cast list. asks for volunteers to take on each role. I de put myself forward for any of them but end being chosen to play 'Nasty Noah' who app a couple of scenes. It's the perfect opportun be what I'm normally not, and as it turns ou good at it. I think I see envy on other partici faces when Zoe draws attention to my 'natu aptitude for acting', and I confess to feeling thrilled. But pride comes before a fall, and when we move on to some physical exercises, I'm forc to admit I could do better. We do an exercise based on trust, where in turn, we close our e and fall backwards for the others to catch us I just can't do it and think I see Zoe trying to hide her disappointment. A couple of others are experiencing the same difficulties, but it's frustrating, and I wonder whether my acting has come to a halt before it's even got going the lesson ends on a high note: Zoe asks me audition for the acting-school play. If I do we start rehearsals for my first stage role. She cle believes I've got what it takes, even if a scho isn't exactly the heights of Hollywood. entertained by the efforts of other participants during the exercises excited to get as much out of the exercises as possible frustrated not to be able to do the exercises well confused about the purpose of the exercises at happens to Jake while they are acting out different characters? He becomes more and more confident in what he's doin