
Present Simple ame: f we Oh, she They ut ut you u W, e e we , no man et, I the term? (to whom/you/use/?) a life after death. (have) Result: /20 Date: /20 me! (not/hear) anything about me either. (not/know) their time there? (how/they/spend/?) it? (why/you/not/try/?) it for nothing. (not/get) you made an impression. (see) with you? (what/we/do/?) many women here. (not/have) that at all. (not/say) another in the house. (not/want) of my own suffering. (not/speak) to the root of the matter. (get) the land. (make) I shall. (not/suppose) (not/know) any proof of this? (you/want/?) a different name every time. (have)​