1 a) Complete the sentences in the quiz with: have, brush, don't get, sleep. eat, drink, exercise. Write in your notebook. HOW healthy are you? Choose the statements that are true for you. 1, I... a balanced diet. 2. 1... five days a week for at least 1/2 hour. 3: 1... a healthy weight. 4: ... stressed about things that aren't important. 51 1... for at least eight hours each night. 6. I... lots of water. 7. I... my teeth twice a day. How well did you do? Give yourself one mark for every statement you ticked. 0-3: Oh dear! You need to make some changes today. 4/5: OK, but try more healthy habits. 6-7: Excellent! You're very healthy. Do the quiz How healthy are you? Write in your notebook. Comp