2 Now complete the Exam Task. Exam TASK You are going to read an article about the relationship between colours and personality. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. 1 According to the text, colours can have an effect on A the different roles we have in society. B what we decide to buy and wear. C how the people around us are feeling. D what we do in our houses. 2 What does the second paragraph say about colour psychology? A It is accepted by the whole medical community. B It divides colours into many different groups. C It studies how colours affect your mood. D Research has proven it doesn't work. 3 In chromotherapy, who might blue be used to treat? A someone who is feeling tired B someone who can't concentrate C someone who has got backache D someone who is feeling anxious 4 What did the paint study find out? A Yellow is a very popular colour. B Our favourite colour has our decisions. influence on C More people like purple than green. D One colour is a lot more popular than others. 5 According to the text, if you have a friend who is organised and likes studying, their favourite colour is more likely to be A red. B yellow. C green. D blue. 6 What is recommended in the last paragraph? A that we have a variety of colours in our lives B that we should avoid certain colours C that you should avoid having a favourite colour D that we surround ourselves only with our favourite colour Vocabulary feelings and people 1 Match the people in the photo with these adjectives. calm caring confident energetic shy easy-going This is one of my favourite photos because all my best friends are in it. On the left is Marcos: he's good to have around in difficult situations because he never loses control or gets nervous. Then there's Camilla. She's so nice and always thinks about others. In the back, you can see Mason: he's quiet around people he doesn't know, but he's really funny too. Jess is next to Mason. What I like about her is that she never doubts herself. And then there's Ella: she never stops! She always wants to do something fun. And that's me, Mia, taking the photo. What would people say about me? I don't take anything too seriously and I'm quite relaxed. And I love my friends! They mean the world to me! Marcos = Camilla = Jess= Mason = Ella = Mia => 2 Replace the words in italics with these words. Then tick the sentences you agree with. close mother-in-law related siblings sister-in-law 1 It's hard when you have older brothers and sisters. 2 You don't need more than two or three good friends. 3 You should treat your brother's wife just like a sister. 4 You should always respect the elderly, especially if you are in the same family. 5 It's important to get on well with your husband or wife's mum.