12 Match the people's comments to the natural disasters, then rewrite their words in the passive. hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption, drought, flood, famine 1 It is blowing down trees and houses! 3 It shook me awake! 5 The weather reporters expect even more rain in the next few days. 2 They have sent food to help the starving people. 4 Television stations gave warnings before it exploded. 6 The government has asked people not to waste water. 1 They will send a m sent A repo to the 2 3 4 Complete the Use two to five 5 informed The pa Fire planes dropp was Water They have found been Twenty 6 The lifeboat team been Five cre 7 Police are carrying An inve being Rewrite the foll Factory waste pol fined the owners £ factory waste. The 2 Last month Jamnes judge sent him to m 15 1 They are taking the taken The su They didn't inform​