
One of the qualities that 1)
in their studies is self-discipline. Self-discipline 2)_
(be) particularly important during college life. As a college
student one will be 3)
(learn) many new things in
life such as living independently, keeping up with the deadlines
and even socializing with many new people. Joshua, a friend of
mine is an example of how self-discipline will bring us success.
Joshua always plans his activities for the next day every night
before he 4)
(go) to bed. He writes down what he will
be doing the next day and how much time he 5)
(spend) doing each activity. Joshua 6)
(discipline) himself by not doing anything unless he (7)
(complete) all of his planned chores. An opposite
of Joshua is another friend of mine named Lucy, who is an
example how not being self-disciplined will cause failure. Lucy
is a care-free person. She will always be 8)
the midnight oil when it comes to doing assignments. She had
even 9)
(forget) the submission date once and as a
result, she 10)
(fail) in
(help) students succeed