
Read the three mysteries. Think about what might have happened and write down your explanations. Read each mystery to Student A and tell them what you think might have happened. Ask for Student A’s ideas, too. Then student A will tell you what really happened. I think he might have ... He must have ... He can’t have ... 1 A man was lying in a field. He was dead. Next to him there was an unopened package. There was no one else in the field, and no animals. What happened? How did he die? 2 In the middle of the ocean there was a yacht. Around the yacht there were five dead bodies in the water. They were wearing their swim suits. They were not injured. What happened? How did they die? 3 The police were looking for a murderer. They knew he was in a certain house at a certain time. They didn’t know what he looked like but they knew his name was John and that he was inside the house. The police ran into the house. Inside the house was a doctor, a dentist, and a fireman. The police immediately arrested the fireman. Why? How did they know that he was the murderer?​