Anvo2580 Anvo2580 14-11-2022 Engleza a fost răspuns COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USE PAST SIMPLE TENSEa) The painter(sell) all his portraits:b) Amanda... (feel) very proud of herselfc) The meal.......(be) delicious. You(cook) welld) The police (find) the body in the cave.e) My sister's mobile phone.... (break) yesterday1) Some men......... (kidnap) the girl in the park.g) Johnny and his sister... Igrow) up m Canada.h) Sonia doctor. (study) Medicine and (become) a1) William (sit) next to his best friend.j)Mike...... (ride) his bike to the shopping centre.k) She (take) the money and....... (run) away.I) We........... (repair) the computers last week.