
Writing: Formal and Informal Letters 9 Discuss & Writer Read the rubrics and underline the key information. Then answer the questions that follow. A friend of yours recently sent you the article below along with a short note. You feel very strongly about the content of the article and have decided to follow your friend's suggestion and write to the editor of the magazine which published the article. Read the original article and the extract from your friend's letter. Then, using the information provided, write: a) a letter to the magazine editor expressing your opinion (approximately 200 words). b) a letter to your friend, telling him or her what you have done (approximately 50 words).

IT'S A STUDENT'S LIFE by English in Action writer, James Faraday B They live off other people's money. They don't even know the meaning of the word 'work'. And they contribute nothing at all to society. Who am I talking about? Students, of course. As far as I am concerned, today's students are lazy, unproductive individuals who do nothing but sit around all day listening to CDs and spending their parents' hard- earned money. Then, when that's all gone, they turn to the taxpayer to support them in their lives of luxury. I wouldn't mind, but they dare to complain that they are overworked and that they suffer from stress. All I can say is that they are going to have a shock when they finally enter the real world. Then they'll realise what work and stress really mean.​