Look at the underlined verb. and expressions in this text. They are all in the wrong position.
Decide where they should go.
Albert knows all the people in his building but he doesn't like them all
He (0) 's not too keen on all the children because they smile and say hello to him. He (1) can't stand the woman who lives on the second floor because she sometimes makes him a cake and always helps him carry his shopping upstairs. The people who live directly below him on the third floor are a different matter. He (2) fancies them because they play loud music at night and drop cigarette butts on the stairs. He (3) 's fond of the young woman who lives next door as well because she has a noisy motorbike that sometimes wakes Albert up. He
(4) adores the man who lives on the top floor because he used to be the mayor of the town and he secretly
(5) loathes the old lady who lives opposite him. He's thinking of inviting her to dinner. He (6) admires her sister, though, and they live together so he'll probably have to invite her as well.
0 's fond of