VI.2. Completați spațiile libere cu prepozițiile care lipsesc. (BETWEEN, BY,
Gervig A
The Oxford colleges
The University of Oxford is made 1.... of a large number 2.... colleges all
of which enjoy a considerable measure 3.... independence.
The colleges which have succeeded 4.... tracing their foundation 5.... the
earliest dates are University (1249), Balliol (1262) and Merton (1264).
Almost all the colleges are 6.... old sites, but new ones occasionally come
7.... being as a result 8.... endowment.
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Most of the buildings, however, date 9.... the 17th century, and 10....
recent years large sums have been spent 11.... cleaning their stonework.
Each college is entered 12.... a gatehouse 13.... which a porter has a
room where he deals 14.... enquiries and sees who is entering and leaving.
15.... all the college entrances there are various notices, 16.... example:
Gentlemen are reminded that the Dean is available 17.... Tuesdays 18....
10 a.m. and 12 noon to see them 19.... appointment. 20.... beginning and
end of term the lodge is piled high 21.... students' cases.
The gatehouse opens 22.... the front quadrangle, which has a nice lawn
enclosed 23.... three sides by students' rooms, while 24.... the fourth stand
the hall and the chapel. The rooms are usually not open 25.... the public.
The hall and chapel are reminders 26.... the importance of religion 27....
the origin and development of the university. Many colleges, such as Corpus
Christi and Queen's were founded 28.... ensure that the church would not
lack an educated clergy.
Many of the pictures 29.... the halls are 30.... great value and are the
work of distinguished artists.
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