a fost răspuns

II. Complete the paragraph with the words/ word
Make the necessary changes.
give advice
makes changes poor decisions
find solutions carefully makes
My father is a great manager. He plans his day
People usually come to him because he finds time to
and he
to all possible issues.
My father never makes
critical thinking skills. He often
992 ot.objab
that he runs because changes always motivate people to become better.
od fabluos ydW
III. Translate the sentences:
1. Tu nu ar trebui să-ți faci atâtea griji pentru el.
2. Am avut o zi superbă astăzi!
3. Fratele meu ar trebui să fie mai responsabil.
because he has good
in the company
4. Mama mea oferă cele mai bune sfaturi.
5. Şcoala noastră ar trebui să găsească soluții pentru a ajuta copiii nefericiţi.